
member card SHAFAYOGURT

Hallo sahabatshafa, ada kabar gembira!

Mulai tanggal 4 Februari 2020 telah tersedia MEMBER CARD SHAFAYOGURT yang memiliki berbagai keistimewaan, antara lain:

1. diskon 5% setiap order 20rb sd 59rb
2. diskon 10% setiap order 60rb up
3. gratis makan dan minum on ur bday
4. gratis delivey setiap order 20rb
5. gratis coba menu baru ouder invitation

Member card ini berlaku selama 6 bulan dan bisa didapatkan secara GRATIS dengan order 25.000, tidak berlaku kelipatan :)

Ditunggu kedatangannya yaaaa...stay yogurt! stay fresh!


Dua tahun perjalanan kami dan akan terus berlanjut...

Allhamdulillah, menurut kalender Islam, jumat tanggal 18 desember , genap 2 tahun umur Shafayogurt. Terimakasih tiada hentinya kepada Allah penguasa alam, yang telah melimpahkan karunia, segenap cita, rasa, ide, kreatifitas pada kami. Jadikan kami usaha yang selalu beryukur kepadaMU dan jadikan kami usaha yang bertobat, terus memperbaiki diri untuk melayani kebutuhan sahabat shafa lebih baik lagi.

Menurut kalender Masehi, umur dua tahun Shafayogurt ada di 10 Januari 2009, insyallah kami akan terus memberi "hadiah" pada sahabatshafa dengan promo bulanan yang menarik..

Kami bertumbuh bersama sahabatshafa..keberadaan kalian sangat berarti bagi kami, mohon doa dan dukungannya untuk bisa melayani lebih baik dari hari ke hari

Terimakasih pada partner kerja kami, Budi, Mustofa, Vian dan Tuti yang berada di garis depan kemajuan Shafayogurt..

Terimakasih pada mitra bisnis kami, Kedai Yogurt Semarang, D'Yuba Yogurt, Nanda Sukma, Mira Rahmawati, Icha, Lala Djamilah yang percaya untuk terus bekerja sama dengan Shafayogurt, mudah-mudahan silaturahmi kita terus berlanjut.

Menjelang 2 tahun Shafayogurt, terimakasih untuk tulisannya kepada: (OB FAN) 2009 Jurusan Broadcast Fikom Unpad, kelompok Lord of the Ring. (Gandes Krisantyo Adhitomo, Ayu Maulida Citraningrum, Hana Falomitha Linda, Restialopa, Yolanda Rafles, Viona Aditya Puteri, Muhammad Panca Nasution, Iti Fatimah, Vitri Lestari, Ina Chandrawlan)


waduuuhhh...ini blog udah lama nggak update, tapi di promo in terus. hihihi...
iya niy, update nya di facebook, ada quiz, ucapan selamat ulang tahun, events, menu baru, delivery order, etc..

just wanna say hi to the guest, thanks for coming...enjoy our yogurt :)


Yogurt, Calcium, Vitamin D, and Muscle Building

Anyone looking to take the "natural" route to muscle building and quality weight gain is always on the lookout for anything to get a leg up on their physiques. Well, recently a study was conducted that may give some positive nods to yogurt, calcium, and vitamin D....(notice I said "may").

Here's the study first, then at the end of this article I'll give you my personal thoughts on whether this will actually make a difference in building muscle mass or not: The International Society of Sports Nutrition Conference grabbed a group of 35 women, all an average age of 19. They were all considered calcium deficient because they didn't consume a minimum of 800 mgs of per day. The study lasted 8 weeks, and they were required to weight train.

The 35 women were divided into 3 groups. The first group were given yogurt at specific times, the second group protein, and the third carbohydrates. The protein and carb groups were to continue to eat as they had before the study began, meaning that they were still going to be consuming a low or deficient amount of calcium. The yogurt group, however, ate three servings of yogurt, which contained 200 mgs of calcium and 40 units of vitamin D per serving....which equals a total of at least 600 mgs of calcium and 120 units of vitamin D per day from the yogurt alone.

As soon as they would complete their strength training workout, the protein group would drink some type of sports drink. The carb group would drink a carb-only beverage. The yogurt group would consume one of their yogurt servings. However, for all three groups the amount of calories eaten post workout was 100 calories, regardless if it was a sports drink, a carb-only drink, or a serving a yogurt. Well, after the 8 week study was completed, it was noticed that the women in the yogurt group had the biggest gains in muscle building and strength gains.

Now, my take:

First off, keep in mind that the minimum recommended daily amount of calcium is 800 mgs, according to the study. The women in the yogurt group got 600 mgs of calcium from the 3 yogurt servings per day. That's still 200 mgs below the minimum requirement. The problem with the study lies in that we don't know for certain how much other calcium those women consumed from the other foods that they ate during the 8 week study. We don't know if the addition of the 600 mgs of calcium from the yogurt to what they were getting from everything else was enough to push them above the minimum requirement of 800 mgs or not.

Also, another issue I have with this study is that it doesn't say if these women had ever weight trained before this study or not. There's a big difference with someone training for the first time in their life and someone that is a seasoned exercise enthusiast. They're body's response to workout programs are going to be very different in the initial stages. Someone that has never trained is going to get an immediate and bigger boost from a workout routine than someone that has been at it for years.

In addition, although the study does conclude that the women in the yogurt group / higher calcium group did have a higher degree of muscle building and strength gain than the women in the other two groups, it doesn't specify exactly how much. Hey, the yogurt group could have only gained half a pound more of lean muscle mass than the other groups, which would technically be considered having gained more muscle. But, when taking a look at the bigger picture, half a pound of lean muscle mass built after 8 weeks of hitting the weights isn't anything to brag about. That's not even really noticeable in the mirror.

So, at the end of the day, take studies like these with a grain of salt if muscle building is your goal.

Jonathan Perez has written many articles, eBooks, and blogs which all unmask the truth about muscle building without the use of bodybuilding supplements. To read more information like this article, check out: http://www.muscle-weight-gain.com/fairy-dusting-of-ingredients-in-muscle-building-supplements/

Use Yogurt to Reduce Acne

Everyone suffering from acne should start realizing how important it is to try to treat them and improve our skin condition.

The worst thing is that this condition does usually leave "ACNE SCARS "behind. There are many home remedies, medications and products which claim to cure acne. But as people say: Prevention is better than cure", so acne can be prevented by taking proper care. In comparison to the medications and cosmetic products which usually have side effects, home remedies prove to be a boon for those suffering from acne.

Let's take a look on the ways in which yogurt can be used for the treatment of acne:

Recipe No.1

Ingredients: yogurt, comfrey leaves, honey, cosmetic clay.

Take a table spoon. of yogurt, one table spoon of comfrey leaves, one table spoon of honey and one table spoon of cosmetic clay and make the paste. You must grind the comfrey leaves into powder. Apply the paste after cleaning your face and wash it off after 15-20 minutes.

Recipe No. 2

Ingredients: yogurt, dried orange skin

Get the orange skin firstly dried up and then finely powdered. Add two table spoons of orange skin to a table spoon of yogurt. You can apply it on the acne scars after cleaning your face thoroughly. People say that even the consumption of yogurt leads to the cure of acne and its prevention.

The use of yogurt is very important in any of the home remedies which are used in the treatment of acne. Yogurt has been the prime remedy for many skin defects in the home remedies list from the time immemorial. How does it exactly functions in the case of acne is not clearly known but the experience of the people say that it does bring about certain changes that are noticeable. There are plenty of home remedies which can help in getting rid of acne. Among all these home remedies consumption of yogurt and its application on the affected parts have always proved to be of great help.

It is a good idea to spend some time with a dermatologist before using any of the herbal medications. You should always determine your skin type before trying anything new.

If you are interested in more possibilities to treat acne at home you should know that there are many other ways to make acne creams and acne reducing masks from the ingredients in your own kitchen. Do not hesitate any longer and start making your own homemade acne remedies. This way of treatment helped a lot of people to improve their skin condition.


Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha

Minggu depan, Shafayogurt semakin hangat dengan kedatangan 5 wirausaha muda yang akan magang di Shafayogurt Jatinangor, sebagai sarana tutorial pembukaan "kedai yogurt" nya di Semarang.
Saya sangat bangga dengan semangat kelima wirausaha muda ini, mereka salah satu team dari 250 orang lain yang lolos seleksi dari 1000 orang lain yang mangajukan proposal Program Mahasiswa Wirausaha
Masih inget banget, 1 tahun yang lalu, Zana Aurora dan Risaldy Trisadmoyo dengan yakinnya memperkenalkan yogurt ala Shafayogurt di kalangan anak muda Semarang, berawal dari 30 liter yogurt yang dikirim dari Bandung menuju Semarang. Keinginannya untuk membuka "kedai yogurt" terjawab sudah lewat ajang sayembara ini. Kini (dan seterusnya) kelima anak muda ini akan mejadi bintang wirausaha muda yogurt di Semarang...amin!

Gambar ini dibuat untuk menyambut team sekaligus pemasangan advertorial Shafayogurt di Majalah D'Jatinangor.

Semoga cerita ini bisa menjadi inspirasi bagi calon wirausaha muda lainnya...

oya, they'll be in Shafayogurt, from may 20-24 2009, be there to make friends with them, that'll be fun! Find them on facebook

Imam San, Zana Aurora , Risaldy Trisadmoyo , Indriyani Ratna Trihesti , Aninditya Ninda

Cerita mengenai hari-hari magang mereka, akan diposting juga disini, stay tune yaaa....


paket sidang lancar ala Shafayogurt

choco puding-panada-risoles-aqua

Paket ini pesenan Adhit (fisip) yang minggu lalu "sidang". Paket sudah stand by sejak jam 8 pagi, sidang nya jam 9 ...semoga sukses ya Adhit!

Sebelum pesenan Adhit ada beberapa orang yang pesen paket seperti ini untuk sidang juga, kebetulan aja paket Adhit dibuat bersamaan dengan picture taken by Agung..ya..ikut mejeng deh..sekalian inspirasi buat sahabatShafa yang mau sidang juga..mudah-mudahan dosennya jadi nyantai, kitanya lancar deh jawab pertanyaan dosen, alhasil nilai sidang kinclong!..ayah dan bunda bahagia pastinya...

oiya, harganya 9000 (sudah termasuk AQUA+delivery service sampe kampus)

allhamdulillah Shafayogurt seneng banget bisa nemenin sahabatShafa melewati peak moment of S1...semoga kita tetap bersahabat walaupun shabatShafa sudah meninggalkan Jatinangor..stay in touch..find -Shafayogurt Jatinangor- on facebook