
Top ten reasons eating yogurt

Yogurt is a very healthy food and should be a part of every diet. It has a number of nutritional benefits derived from live bacteria cultures. These are “friendly” bacteria and very beneficial. Yogurt is made by bacterial fermentation of milk. These bacteria ingest lactose, and release lactic acid. This acid reacts with milk and thus yogurt is made.

Yogurt has many benefits.
1. Weight loss: - Yogurt contains a high quantity of protein.

2. It can be digested easier than milk. Lactose intolerant people can easily eat yogurt as it contains digestive enzyme lactase.

3. Yogurt in itself is a very healthy food and supplements diet very well.

4. Yogurt is known to reduce risk of colon cancer. Lactobacteria in yoghurt keeps digestive system active and colon free of body wastes.

Being a rich source of calcium, it helps prevent osteoporosis, and keeps teeth, gums and bones strong.

6. The wonderful properties of yogurt help the body to absorb nutrients better. This result in improvement of the immune system and thus the body becomes better prepared to fight germs and toxins. They help the correct bacteria to grow in the gut. These bacteria aid in digestion of food and prevent stomach infections. These also help relieve vaginal infections.

7. Yoghurt also helps get rid of Irritable bowel and constipation. The lacto bacteria help keep bowel movement regular.

8. Yogurt helps in reduction of low density cholesterol and helps raise high density cholesterol. A daily consumption of about 100 grams of yogurt helps to better the cholesterol levels.

9. It also helps in prevention and healing of arthritis. Lactobacilli are very helpful in curing all kinds of inflammatory diseases. It also helps eliminate Helicobater pylori, which is the bacteria responsible for causing ulcers.

10. Consuming yogurt reduces hydrogen sulfide levels in mouth and also other sulfides which cause bad breath. It also helps finish tongue-coating bacteria, dental plaque formation, cavities, and gingivitis

With such benefits, yogurt should be a staple in the diet for any health conscious person. Of coursse keeping the moderation factor in mind when eating yogurt. I don’t recommend a yogurt only diet by any means!


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